A couple of months ago I wrote a small image gallery script using some of the new CSS3 functions like transitions and transforms of the Webkit Nightly Browser. It is a simple gallery with only four pictures in it which rotates on mouse click to show the next picture.

That thing became a little famous and was shown on many other websites as an example to what can be done with CSS3 and a modern browser.

Now, a year later, I updated this script so it works now in many other modern browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer.

Just browse to the example page and see it for yourself.

And if you have an older browser you can watch this little screen capture:

I hope you like it and I am eager to see what you can come up with using those CSS3 transitions and transforms.

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4 thoughts on “A small update to my CSS3 Rotating Image Gallery

  1. Entweder funktioniert des nich in firefox 3.6 oder er is bei der rotation zu schnell…bei safari klappts…aber in firefox 3.6 is des bild innerhalb ein bruchteil von ner sekunde gedreht, ohne dass man die rotation sieht…

    1. Okay, danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe es im neusten Firefox 4 beta getestet und dort funktioniert es.
      Werde es mal im älteren Firefox testen. Aber wie gesagt, in den neusten Versionen sollte es gehen.

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